Monday, March 7, 2011

Mike Kelley

This week in class, we discussed the artwork of Mike Kelley. Mike Kelley has created a wide range of artwork. I found his sculptures made from stuffed animals to be the most interesting. This is a picture of one of his famous works, Frankenstein, which was created in 1989. This piece is a combination of stuffed animals, cloth dolls, and other cloths sewn together to create a creature. Next to Frankenstein is a basket with spools of thread inside of it. It is interesting that he was able to use such simple pieces of cloth to create a creature, Frankenstein.
We also were given the link to a video that shows us the work of Mike Kelley. In this video, we learn that he always knew that he was going to be an artist. His work was perceived to be about his child abuse. When he got this response from viewers, he embraced it and decided to go along with it. He created all of his work to be dark and to resemble his child abuse. I think that it is very interesting that he had no intentions of going that route, but when he got feedback, he just went with it. I feel that this makes him a strong artist that cares about making his viewers and followers happy and by giving them what they wanted.
It is also very interesting how Mike Kelley creates his pieces to be viewed by viewers of all types. At first glance his pieces look familiar. They look like simple things that everyone has seen before. This is appealing to the “lazy” viewer. When the piece is looked at more closely, it will appeal to the more sophisticated viewer. His pieces all have a deeper meaning when they are viewed more closely. 


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